Re: NANFA-- preserving greenspace..It's not too bad yet.

Harry Knaub (
Wed, 04 Sep 2002 21:58:00 -0400

Along this line, there was an article in this past Sunday's paper about a couple
of families in the western part of Adams Co. Thats the county west of where I
live. It seems these folks bought houses in a development in a forested,
mountainous area and while they just love living in a wild relativly undeveloped
area, they're only gripe is why hasn't the county paved the gravel road up to
their homes.
Me, I thinking if you want paved roads, than you should have stayed in town. You
certainly shouldn't trying to pave over the mountains. You don't know what you've
got 'til it's gone.

> . Do I buy an SUV
> even if I don't live on an unpaved road, work construction or go camping
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