Re: NANFA-- Where the WalMarts are

Robert Carillio (
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:20:52 -0500

Lordy Lordy!!!! How DID the world survive for 4.5 billion years without
Wal-Mart! What IS we gonna do if they fold shop some day! Where can I get
my chinese plastic flashlights!!!??.. :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stott Noble" <>
To: <>; <prizma at>; "'rose Lawn Museum'"
<>; <rangerbob at>;
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 8:26 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Where the WalMarts are

> Here's a link to where the WalMarts are close to the Mississippi Fish
> Camp for licensing porpoises.
> 38873&serviceName=ALL&sfatt__chkALL=ALL&rx_title=&rx_dest=%2Fcatalog%2Fc
> atalog.gsp
> -Stott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Irate Mormon
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 5:52 PM
> To:; rose Lawn Museum; rangerbob at;
>; fundulus at
> Cc:
> Subject: Fish Camp details
> OK campers, here's the plan (more or less!):
> It looks like most of us will be arriving Friday afternoon, so we shuld
> be able to get an early start Saturday morning, UNLESS
> somebody speaks now and says they can't be there until Saturday, in
> which case I need an ETA. If anybody wishes to share their
> cell phone number so latecomers (like Stott) can locate us in the field,
> please do so. My wife will probably keep her phone at the
> base camp (601-906-9099 -do you use area codes with cell phones? I'm
> clueless, I hate the damn things) so if anybody gets lost on
> the way they can check in from base camp.
> I have an extra tent, plus room in my big tent, if anybody needs shelter
> or wishes to economize. Sorry, no extra sleeping bags :-( I
> also have a couple of air pumps. The campsites have electricity so you
> can plug right in.
> Now, get out your DeLormes - Map21, please - Saturday we will be
> sampling Little Yellow Creek and some of the little streams that
> drain Lake Pickwick. Sunday will be Bear Creek (possible canoe trip if
> anybody's up for it - it's a great way to sample out-of-the-way
> spots), Cripple Deer Creek, and Cedar Creek.
> * Note Casper* Cave Spring is NOT a good snorkeling place.
> I haven't been to some of these sites - I am using "secondhand" sites,
> and a lot of these roads are poorly marked if at all. I thought
> about buying a GPS for this and future trips, but Nah, maybe next time.
> Maybe one of you guys has one? In exchange for some of
> the museum's "secret" honey holes, I offered to bring back some fish for
> their exhibits. They want Percina evides particularly, so if
> we catch any I'll expect you to pony up!
> You will want to bring charcoal (instant lite preferrably) and food to
> grill, and plates and stuff. Also MOSQUITO REPELLENT. At just
> one hostpital in Jackson we have 12 cases of WNV - this virus is no joke
> folks. Also maybe an electric fan - the nights have been
> rather cool lately but hey, why take a chance?
> I think that's all for now - this is gonna be SO much fun!
> Prost,
> Martin
> Jackson, MS
> --
> Life's a fish and then you fry.

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