Re: NANFA-- filmentous algae problem in pond/complete pond tear
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 20:11:57 EDT

In a message dated 9/9/02 11:08:10 AM US Central Standard Time, writes:

<< I would suggest Jordanella floridae. They eat both hair/filamentous
algae and duckweed. They do not eat your aquatic plants. I have used
them successfully for control of hair algae in my 55 planted tank. This
also provides and endless supply of flagfish and they are all the best
colored flagfish you can find because of all the carotenoides in the
algae!! >>

Thanks, Boat. I don't suppose they would last very long in Indiana winters.
Next spring I will see who has some for sale. And then go sell the offspring
at the local aquarium club or trade for food at the local fish store.

I went ahead and tore everything out in one pond. The only thing left is a
little very fine powdery sand. I figure I will let it dry out for a couple
days. I'm wondering if I should get some bleach and wash the sides down.
Also wondering if there is something I can dip the potted plants in before
putting them back in the newly filled pond.

Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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