Re: NANFA-- exotics

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 18:38:37 -0400

> > What happened next? A week or two later, someone released a giant
> > from the Chesapeake Bay. Maybe he (or she) missed all the snakehead
> > that summer. Or maybe it was a case of someone with obsessive defiant
> > disorder.
>Or maybe they were afraid of the witch hunt on snakehead owners that would
>happen if they were outlawed?
Umm, maybe... but why didn't they just EAT the godforsaken thing? Then
everyone wins, there's no exotic release and they get what I hear is a good
meal. Speaking as an American, we can be so _dense_!

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
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