Re: NANFA-- Re: Mullet [not NA]
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 22:42:40 +0700

Here in Asia there is at least a special mullet menu that is served in some
holidays. The whole fish is [I assumed] grilled or steamed with the skin and
scale inact, then chilled and served cold. To eat the fish the skin is peeled off
and the white meat is eaten with sauce. Many people like it.

Tony wrote:

> mullet sure are good eating. ive seen them very big at wakula springs while
> snorkling. if your canoeing and come upon a bunch in shallow water they will
> alarm you with their sudden launching thru the air! neat fish. unique shape.
> they fed a lot of people during the depression. kind of ridiculed as a poor
> man's fare now. try them smoked. during november the locals eat the roe and
> milt... kind of like hush puppies. aint never had that. i dont like the idea
> of eating future populations before they have had a chance to hatch.
> they certainly would not make aquarium pets.
> casper
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