NANFA-- Bama Getaway, younger fish-heads
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 02:26:04 -0400

People who like fish,
I was just amazed to learn other people in Alabam actually enjoy observing and learning about fish and wildlife, instead of just catching and killing it. I don't really care what sex age or race any of you are, and am eager to meet and learn and meybe even share some of my knowledge of Calhoun County's endangered fish species. Also I am a 20 year old male with nothing else to do besides Mountain Biking and fish. So you can imagine how enthused I would be to show yall around Coldwater creek, and all the other nice spots in the area between Birmingham and Atlanta. (Anniston\Oxford) In response to Traci, I too would like to see some more people my age interested in this type of thing. Some females would be nice too huh guys?? The best way we can get interest up is to talk about fish to anyone who will listen.. Of course I do that anyway. I know I have turned a few of my buddies into Fish Watchers. (at least the guys who aren't bass-fanatics)

But like I said in a previous email, I have Coldwater Creek in my back yard! I can provide maps to my place to anyone interested, and I want to come to B'ham too!! If you've never heard of Coldwater Creek, it's spring fed, always 62 degrees, clear as a bell and chock full of Pygmy Sculpins, Cottus paulus. But I am only beginning to identify the other species besides Brim & Bass.... Like I've said before I love em all but I am just starting to learn.

Give me some input, itinerary ideas, I can come to B'ham and then lead yall here or whatever. Don't have much room at my place, but my backyard is a paradise..(to me anyways) OK its late write me back.
Peace Jon
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