Oh yeah, Steven. Your walker is in my truck, right next to my motorized
Chip Rinehart
West Columbia, SC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rose Lawn Museum [SMTP:roselawn_at_mindspring.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 10:07 AM
> To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- alabama gettaway and such
> Hi Traci
> Being one of the "middle-aged men," I hesitated to answer this one.
> However, your points are well taken. At first, I too was amazed at the
> average age of the NANFAns I met, but this has been more than offset by
> the
> degree of knowledge and experience. While age is no guarantee of wisdom,
> it
> makes sense that the longer one observes fishes the more one is apt to
> learn and be able to share with others. I would encourage you to
> participate for that reason alone if there were no others. On the other
> hand, if you spent a day with young Dave Neely (AL), you would gain a
> substantial amount of knowledge in a short time.
> As for gender, at least three of our GA outings in the past year have
> included females from several different states. I wisely did NOT ask their
> ages. (-: I guess the point I would stress is that the quality of the
> individuals I've encountered in the pursuit of fishes has offset any
> pre-conceived notions about age, gender, or location. But, hey, I'm one of
> the old guys...what would you expect me to say? (-:
> Steven A. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
> (Now, where did I leave my walker?)
> At 10:42 PM 9/24/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >Guys,
> >
> >I wish I could go to this kind of thing! Sounds like fun, I however have
> been spending most of my evenings and weekends doing homework. I realize
> that it is important that I learn everything there is to know about 130
> species of trees, and that I may someday need to find out how much
> merchantable wood is in a 75' 15" pine tree. I am a wildlife major,
> however, I am realizing this semester is about TREES. Actually, we did
> spend 20 min measuring long dead fish in one class, but we are back to
> trees now. Before I complain about school any more, I do love it. I am
> outside almost every day for lab. (getting bitten by bugs and measuring
> trees)
> >
> >I lost my point. I think we should enlist more females and college age
> people. The idea of me spending a weekend w/ middle age men, not many
> women
> and no one my age, however fun the fish, is just not acceptable. (I also
> think that my significant other has something to do with this idea- party
> pooper!)
> >
> >Yes, we need a younger, more diverse group of fish lovers so that the
> minority may come forward! AKA me!
> >
> >Am I the only female on the NANFA list? only female under 25? I know
> there
> is Travis, but are there any others here that are 20ish?? Speak up, don't
> be shy!
> >
> >I want to share the moon pies!
> >
> >Traci - on her soapbox. again.
> >
> >ps. its late, what can I say.
> ----
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