NANFA-- Moonpies and deep fried Snicker bars
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 18:14:32 EDT

At the Indiana State Fair this year, the new thing was deep fried Snicker
bars. Didn't get to try one myself but all the on-air media talent raved
about how good they were. I imagine you southern NANFA gentlemen ought to
try deep frying the moonpies.

Just checked the food pyramid chart on the side of the refrigerator; none of
these things are on it. Must be a misprint.

And does NANFA member Moon have anything to do with moonpies? Family owned
company perhaps?

Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

In a message dated 9/28/02 1:48:41 PM US Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Way, waaaay too healthy!

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 10:00 AM 9/27/02 -0700, you wrote:
>--- Chip Rinehart <> wrote:
>> Traci,
>> Casper is the king of moonpies....he always has them on collecting
>> trips.
>> It's kinda like a traditional thing (hikers=granola bars,
>> army=c-rations, nanfa=moonpies).
>No, that's for you suthern nanfa members. We northern'er
>bring along fruit-bars or rice-krispy treats.
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