Original Message:
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 15:57:43 EDT
Subject: NANFA-- scuds
If anyone has a culture of scuds that are fairly easy to culture I would
a few if you can spare them. I would like to add them to my daphnia/cyclops
culture. With a little bit of luck this latest round of medication will
keep me
active for the fall so I will be doing some more collecting as the weather
cools down. I managed to find an isolated population of redfin pickerels
are very colorful and they are in pickerel heaven among hundreds of
gambusia I
set up in their own pond early this spring. maybe we'll have some baby
by next fall. I have found that around here there seems to be several
populations of redfins, some from water that has enough salt to keep blue
crabs alive and others in water that looks like coffee and has black banded
sunfish so I am assuming the water in that creek is soft. I have set minnow
several times in the really dark black water streams but I never caught
anything but crayfish. But in water that was less extreme minnow traps seem
to work
well. Has anyone else noticed this effect? I managed to fix the leak in the
antique aquarium I told you about by simply slathering silicone rubber
everywhere. My wife has given me permission to set up a larger version of
my swamp tank
so I am going to use the 65 gallon antique aquarium as my next swamp tank.
have two really nice cypress trees that are about 3" thick at the base but
18" tall I plan to use as well a water tupelo about the same height but
1.5" thick. I have been keeping these trees trimmed back since I grew them
from seeds more than 6 years ago. Along with the dwarf cattails and Lake
Waccamaw spadderdocks it should be an impressive display in about two years
or so. I
am also going to us coconut fiber as a back drop and plant Java fern and
on it. I had to give up on the bigger version I told you about because the
started to leak. I think I can fix it but I found some flaws in the plywood
wasn't aware of that may cause more problems in the future so it will stay
outside. 20 years isn't too bad a life span for a home made tank. next time
will use marine plywood and avoid the problem with voids in the plywood
altogether. I am still looking for short emergent water plants so if anyone
has a
suggestion let me know. It feels so great not to hurt all the time for a
change I
am really excited about collecting again and maybe doing some trading. Who
keeping track of the trading post now? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this
through very little effort of my own a top minnow of some species spawned
one of my ponds. Now I have several little top minnows with a bright gold
on top of their heads swimming around. I'm really not sure about the
but they are pretty cool viewed from above. later on dudes and dudettes
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