M. Mickelson wrote:
>Fish Are Smarter Than We Think
>The Sydney Morning Herald
>(PA) -- Fish do not deserve their reputation as the dim-wits of the
>animal kingdom, a group of British scientists says.
>Far from being instinct-driven dunces, held back by a three-second
>memory, fish were cunning, manipulative, cultured and socially aware.
>In some respects of their intelligence, they could even be favourably
>compared with non-human primates, it was claimed.
>The three scientists from the universities of Edinburgh and St
>Andrew's in Scotland, and the University of Leeds, said conceptions
>of the psychological and mental abilities of fish had undergone
>a "sea change" in the past few years.
>Biologists Calum Brown, Keven Laland and Jens Krause wrote in the
>journal Fish and Fisheries: "Gone (or at least obsolete) is the image
>of fish as drudging and dim-witted pea-brains, driven largely
>by 'instinct', with what little behavioural flexibility they possess
>being severely hampered by an infamous 'three-second memory'.
>"Now, fish are regarded as steeped in social intelligence, pursuing
>Machiavellian strategies of manipulation, punishment and
>reconciliation, exhibiting stable cultural traditions, and co-
>operating to inspect predators and catch food."
>Recent research had shown that fish not only recognised
>individual "shoal mates" but monitored the social prestige of others,
>and tracked relationships.
>They had also been observed using tools, building complex nests and
>bowers, and exhibiting impressive long-term memories.
>The scientists added: "Although it may seem extraordinary to those
>comfortably used to pre-judging animal intelligence on the basis of
>brain volume, in some cognitive domains, fishes can even be
>favourably compared to non-human primates."
>They said there were 27,000 known species of fish, more than all
>other vertebrates combined.
>Fish were the most ancient of the major vertebrate groups existing
>today, and exploited virtually every conceivable aquatic environment.
>There had been "ample time" for fish to evolve complex, adaptable and
>diverse behaviour patterns that rivalled those of other vertebrates.
>"These developments warrant a reappraisal of the behavioural
>flexibility of fishes, and highlight the need for a deeper
>understanding of the learning processes that underpin the newly
>recognised behavioural and social sophistication of this taxon," said
>the scientists.
>Copyright C 2003. The Sydney Morning Herald.
>Any time you begin to feel REALLLY powerful, try telling a cat what to
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