NANFA-- Hurricane!
Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:09:39 EDT
Well, I've just about tied down or brought inside every potential projectile
in my yard. Now it's wait and see what happens. From the weather reports it
looks like the Hurricane will pass slightly north of us and if it does we'll
only get the South eastern quadrant which isn't as bad as the North east
quadrant. This storm isn't all that bad so I should be back online in a few days at
worst. It's the clean up I hate! All the leaves, limbs, pine cones, (and around
here a pine cone can weigh half a pound!), and other peoples junk they didn't
tie down has to picked up and piled by the side of the street. Then it takes
the city a month to pick it all up! I do have a couple of trees I am worried
about, maybe they won't fall on my house or garage. they haven't yet but they
weren't as big last hurricane. See you when the wind stops blowing!
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