Re: NANFA-- Bluenose shiner news

Steffen Hellner (
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 09:31:14 +0200

That4s one of the main problems in modern societies - the disacceptance of
individualism (when fitting to the laws, of course) and the stronger getting
tendency to equalize everything in any way, camouflaged by vocabularies as
"trend", "public oppinion", "state of the art" etc. which only leeds to
uniformity and the absence of critical discourse. By this only technological
progress is made, human existence is more and more restricted to
standardized parameters accepted by the mass.

In ancient societies (and still esp. in "underdeveloped"
countries/societies) there is much more tolerance for individual

I work in the marketing/advertising field. That in my oppinion is one of the
worst branches as most people in it try to express "individualism" by
having, using, saying things which are "in": driving the one right car,
wearing the right clothes, and taking part in any kind of livestyle
activities - and changing to a new upcoming instantly. Self awareness? A
perfect miss. Self responsibility? Oh, please let others start first. Self
restrictions, disciplin? Why? Others just do the same. We have already
passed Huxleys "Brave New World" by far. And people themselves are the Big

I rather be poor than not myself. As is said: "As long as the intelligent
give in, dumness will rule".

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