Other interesting point is that local betta arena breeder gurus
in Mahachai area seem to differentiate Mahachai betta and wildtype
splendens well. They call Mahachai betta "Pla par" [that means
"forest fish"] or "luk par" since they are generally found in Jak
forest [Jak is a type of palm-like plant that like barckish water] or
"Pla kiew" [= green fish], and call wildtype splendens "Pla rong",
"Pla tung" or "Luk rong" [[generally mean "ditch or field fish" since
they are found in canals, ditches, and fields generally further north]
or "Pla daeng" [= red fish]. They seems not to differentiate between
the wild imbellis from the south from wildtype splendens from the
north [they do say that fish from specific location is better at
fighting than others, but not restrict to species] since they refers
to both as "Pla daeng". They seem to use this knowledge to cross
Mahachai [Pla kiew] with wild splendens [Pla daeng] or fighting form
splendens to create faked Mahachai to fool careless arena opponents
[using stronger hybrid against real wild Pla kiew ^_^].
Steffen Hellner wrote:
> I agree to your arguments. But the sp. Mahachai may be a tank bred hybrid
> form and then released. From this it is stable genetically (as stable as
> genetics can be - homocygotic to the edge of 99%). Genetic research will
> show in the nearer future.
> You are surely right with the wild type of splendens. I have a "wild" strain
> but it looks as it is not pure, too much color in it but stable phenotype
> over more than 10 years now. Not really aggressive, rather small and slender
> (depends much on nutrition), not too prolific. But a true wild one is hard
> to find and even more to get at hands.
> Steffen
> > Von: anutej_at_loxinfo.co.th
> > Antworten an: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> > Datum: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 05:45:16 +0700
> > An: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> > Betreff: Re: NANFA-- Bluenose shiner news [off topic]
> >
> > That is a good one. Nobody knows for 100% sure if Mahachai betta
> > is indeed a new species or originate from a variety evolved from
> > release of fighting-form bettas from ancient times. Mahachai area is
> > a hot spot for betta "arena" for hundred of years and both wild bettas
> > [wild splendens, wild imbellis and smaragdina] and fighting-form
> > bettas from all over the country have been brought into the area for
> > fighting/betting purpose [some would have been released]. Anyway real
> > Betta sp. Mahachai does exist in the wild and their outward appearance
> > seems to be consistent throughout their natural range, and they breed
> > true [F1 and F2 are similar to parents].
> > The copper variety is developed from crossing Mahachai betta X
> > domestic splendens and/or imbellis. They are not real wild Mahachai
> > betta. Also years ago [the practice is still committed] there are
> > Mahachai X imbellis betta cross sold as "Indo betta" and "real
> > Mahachai betta" [which it is not real]. These fishes cause lots of
> > coufusion to what real Beta sp. Mahachai actually is.
> > Generally wildtype Betta splendens is NOT what is shown in most
> > books. The big short thing is actually fighting-form splendens
> > [Plakadmor]developed for fighting purpose. Real wildtype splendens
> > [Plakadtung, Plakadluktung, Plakadpar] is much more slender and
> > smaller and the coloration seems to be more or less similar throughout
> > their range.
> > I wonder if fighting-form betta is released into Betta
> > sp.Mahachai habitat will they be fit enough to survive and spawn with
> > Betta sp. Mahachai in such freechoice situation. Channa striata and
> > Channa gachua do live in Mahachai betta's home and would be happy to
> > deal with short, fat stuff that is released there.
> > BTW if a fish is originated from natural hybrid of a few species
> > and evolves over time in the wild till the phenotype is fixed
> > [descendants's appearances are more or less uniform] in the wild
> > should it be regarded as a morph, variety or species?
> >
> > Tony
> > anutej_at_loxinfo.co.th
> >
> >
> > Steffen Hellner wrote:
> >>
> >> Do you speak of the dubious Betta sp. Mahachai? I have had them, they for me
> >> look like a hybride of imbellis x splendens x smaragdina. The Thais are very
> >> good in mixing these species and build up viable strains, e.g. the very hard
> >> fighters or the copper-colored. And they are as good in setting those
> >> strains free. But maybe I am wrong and it is a valid species. Time will
> >> show.
> >>
> >> Steffen
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