Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Steffen Hellner
><)> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:36 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Bluenose shiner news
><)> Moon,
><)> that4s a weird experience! Do the pet shop owners
><)> already believe the
><)> bullshit spread around by the environmental
><)> terrorists? Gosh.
><)> Thank God, the Cardinal is still present. Last and
><)> early this year I already
><)> tried to lovate a person who would be willing to
><)> obtain a bunch of Cardinal
><)> Shiners for greeding attempts. Wasn4t successful
><)> up to now. I am setting up
><)> another extra pond especially for the Cardinal.
><)> Can anybody help me in this
><)> case?
><)> Thanks.
><)> Steffen
><)> > Von:
><)> > Antworten an:
><)> > Datum: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 20:13:54 EDT
><)> > An:
><)> > Betreff: Re: NANFA-- Bluenose shiner news
><)> >
><)> > In a message dated 9/17/03 5:35:21 PM Eastern
><)> Daylight Time,
><)> > writes:
><)> >
><)> >> I could go on mention examples for hours. And
><)> wont find one against it.
><)> >>
><)> >> Steffen
><)> >>
><)> > Steffen, you are going to be in trouble when the
><)> big boys find out you know
><)> > the con!
><)> > I have argued until I was blue in the face that
><)> hobbyists are not the
><)> > problem. I had a local Petshop guy who told me
><)> recently, while he was busy
><)> > feeding
><)> > several hundred pieces of live coral, that he
><)> wouldn't carry cardinal
><)> tetras
><)> > because the hobby has caused them to decline
><)> until they are on the brink of
><)> > extinction and he didn't want to have to tell
><)> his son he was part of the
><)> > reason
><)> > such a beautiful fish was extinct. I had to
><)> leave before I choked on the
><)> > bullshit.
><)> >
><)> > Moon
><)> -
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