Re: NANFA-- Salvinia elimination

unclescott (
Fri, 19 Sep 2003 11:32:11 -0500

> Also, I have the tiny Salvinia that's barely larger than duckweed
> (it used to grow larger, 1/4" across, now it stays small
> and reproduces like crazy).

Time to replace those light bulbs. ;)

I took a bag of my indoor Salvinia to a Michiana meeting. While I was
bidding on a terrific looking larger (pond raised) Salvina (but not that
exotic banned all over the place), "Ponder" Harry Rogella leans over and
asks, "Why are you bidding on your own plant?"

> I have, in the past, thrown away Salvinia by the pound. If I
> ignore the tanks, they have formed a layer about 1/4" - 1/2"
> thick on the surface and the plants underneath waste away and
> the fish suffer.

I paid my tolls to the last CKA meeting (2nd Friday of the odd numbered
months) with Salvinia brought to the meeting auction. (Killie people are
always looking for ways to thwart jumpers.) If you will bring a couple of
bags next time, I'll stick with my daphnia and Najas. :)

> I hate that plant. Can you tell?

Too much, even of what can be a good thing, does that to us. Garden mulch!

I'll bet candidates from Ray's list would be of service.

But does Salvina have a scent or flavor which some fish would find
uninteresting? (Haven't nibbled any - yet.)

Had some young of a small, largely herbivorous, Mexican cichlid which did
yeoman service on duckweed. The only problem was they couldn't be fed
anything else while on duckweed duty. It was wise to remove the tank's other
residents until the duckweed was gone and the Herotilapia multispinosa were
beginning to nibble the raggedy margins of other plants and water sprite
roots and were removed.

More or less tropical tanks. At least the cichlid was an Americano.

All the best!

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