Re: NANFA-- Ravenous Sunnies

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 11:56:12 -0400

My faith in Tom French (see below) is reaffirmed. The whole idea of
spreading around allegedly "mosquito controlling fish" is jawdroppingly
goofy. They're already present in southern New England streams and swamps.
The only logical approach would be to genetically engineer bandeds that can
either reproduce quicker or eat a whole lot more, which I don't support(!).
There is still an entire professional organization dedicated to the idea
that spreading around Gambusia will control mosquitos; members of the Flat
Earth Society practice a more rigourous science.

As always, your mileage may vary...

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>But Tom French, assistant director of the state Division of Fisheries
>and Wildlife, said researchers must do more than prove the sunfish won't
>do harm - they'll also have to show they'll do significant good in the
>fight against mosquitos. That may be more difficult.
>French said mosquito-eating fish native to the South haven't made much
>difference, even though they school in much greater density than banded
>"I'm extremely skeptical that there's any promise in what they're trying
>to do," French said. "(Banded sunfish) may eat mosquitos, but not in a
>quantity that's going to matter."
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