RE: NANFA--Filters, 1/2 full large round tanks

Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 22:41:07 -0500

Doug replies:
>>>I would get some nice strong air pumps and use large
sponge filters for that temp kind of set up. If you
can put the sponge filters in an established tank for
bio establishment that would be of great help.<<<

Todd suggests:
>>>It kinda breaks the mold of "filter", but have you considered setting up
sand and live substrate filter?<<<

Thanks. I use sponge filters a lot, including one in my tank of smaller
gar, but I do not think it would work with the larger fish (> 600 mm TL).
They leave a lot of chunky waste. Also, I wonder if they might get their
teeth caught if they struck at a fish that was hiding near the filter. The
"live sand" idea appeals to me the more I think about it.
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