Captive Care Notes: Oregon Chubs (Oregonichthys, Family Cyprinidae)Because of their protected status, Oregon Chub (O. crameri) and Umpqua Chub (O. kalawatseti) are not legally possessed by the average home aquarist. Researchers, however, have used aquarium studies in order to document their life histories. Such information can prove useful in protecting wild habitat, and in selecting future sites where captive-bred specimens may be introduced and expected to propagate on their own. Thus far, investigations have found that Oregon and Umpqua Chubs, like most shiners, are undemanding in aquaria. Both minnows feed on a variety of aquatic invertebrates in the wild, but readily accept Tetramin flakes in captivity. Umpqua Chub prefer to stay near the bottom of the tank and, when offered flakes, dart to the surface, feed quickly, then return to the bottom. Oregon Chub remain at or near the surface. To induce spawning, tanks with both minnows were exposed to a hormone releasing solution. More recently, researchers have conducted aquarium experiments to see if specific temperatures are better at inducing Oregon Chub to spawn. Results indicate that captive chub are more likely to spawn when the water is 16-21C (61-70F). Unfortunately, eggs that were not eaten by the parents failed to hatch. |