The Dates The Venue The meeting, banquet, and auction would be held at the Saluda Shoals Environmental Center. Registration Info: Click here to register. Payment includes all activities (trips and presentations), Banquet & Convention t-shirt.
Lodging: Lodging will be at Hampton Inn on the Lake at Harbison, 101 Woodcross Drive. Click here to make reservations online or phone (803) 749-6999. The rate is $109 per night with two double beds. Reference the NANFA meeting when booking. There are also many other hotels within easy driving distance of the Center. Meeting Schedule: March 16 (Thursday): Boat electrofishing demonstration on Congaree River; visit to Columbia Dam Fishway on Broad River. They are about 10 minutes apart. Registration at Hampton Inn on the Lake March 17 (Friday): Registration at Saluda Shoals Park Environmental Center. Talks, banquet, and auction at the Center. March 18 (Saturday): Field trips. March 19 (Sunday): Field trips. March 20 (Monday): Return home. The Talks: Speakers on Friday will educate us on sturgeon research in South Carolina; what’s new with Bartram’s Bass; the ETY Fish Project; unraveling the Yellowfin-Greenhead-Piedmont Shiner complex; 30+ years of darter hunts in Minnesota; fish passage at the Columbia Dam Fishway; and more. Collecting: If you are actively collecting, you will need a fishing license – dip nets and small seines are permissible. Get your license here |