1999 NANFA Annual Meeting
August 5 (evening), 6 (meeting & lunch), 7-8 (collecting)
Jumer's Castle Lodge, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
llinois & Indiana Species, River
Systems, Habitat and Ecology
Dr. James R. Gammon - Fishes of the Wabash River, Indiana
Diane Rudin - Fishes of the Mackinaw River, Illinois
Dr. Larry Page - Fishes of the Middle Fork, Vermillion River, Illinois
Kevin Cummings - Mussels in Illinois, Their Role in Stream Ecology
Restoration & Reintroduction Efforts
Diana Rudin - Nature Conservancy Efforts on the Mackinaw River
Jim Bland, Integrated Lakes Management - The Prairie Crossing, Grays
Lake, Illinois Project
Randy Sanders, Ohio Div. of Wildlife - Ohio Stream Fishes 1979-1995,
Historical Perspective and Future Challenges
Fish Breeding
Jim Sternburg - Breeding Phoxinus
Ray Katula - Captive Propagation of Native Fishes (darters, minnows,
killifishes, sunfishes)
Dr. Larry Page - videotapes of spawning minnows and darters
Developments in Aquarium Technology, Design and Operations
Morgan Lidster - Algal Turf Scrubbing
Rules, Regulations & Ethics
Glenn Kruse, Illinois Endangered Species Project Manager
Fish Photography and Videography (Dr. William Roston)
Fish Identification and the Use of Keys (specifically
relating to Illinois species likely to be encountered during the collecting trips).
Visits to Illinois Natural History Survey Collections
Fishes (Dr. Larry Page)
Mussels (Kevin Cummings)
Banquet and Auction -
Auctioneer, Phil Nixon.
August 7-8 Collecting Trips
1) The Mackinaw River Region near Bloomington in the Illinois River Watershed.
2) The Middle Fork of the Vermilion River near Oakwood, just west of Danville in the
Wabash River Watershed.
Both locations include a great diversity of Percidae, Cyprinidae, Centrarchidae, and other
game and nongame species.