Re: NANFA-L-- Niagara River gobies?
Mon, 04 Apr 2005 10:35:51 -0400
<BODY><P>Dear Todd - </P>
<P> I would suggest NOT transferring ANY exotic round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) from the present waters they have invaded; regardless if they have been banned yet or not.</P>
<P> We at SUNY Brockport are presently conducting an extenisve fish community analysis on the Tonawanda Creek watershed of western NY - a major trib system to the Niagara R., and initial sampling results have yielded an extenisve round gobie population present upstream to-in-least the RT 78 Bridge in Millersport. Since we are focusing on determining the status of rare fishes in this system, we suspect that exotics are a key factor in their decline.</P>
<P> We have also tried to keep this species in aquaria-in-our college display tanks without success. All gobies died in a very short time while most other stream species did well. Basically - it appears this gobies species is very adaptable to our waters and will ultimately displace native sculpins and darter as they grow larger! </P>
<P> If you don't want exotic fish to spread any faster than the next flood, pls keep them out of the aquarium trade.</P>
<P>I have fwd'd your note to local fisheries managers in NYS for a formal answer to your Q.</P>
<P>sincerely,<BR><BR>Scott M. Wells <BR>Graduate Research Assistant <BR>M.S. Candidate <BR>Dept. of Biological Sciences <BR>120 Lennon Hall <BR>State U. of NY-in-Brockport <BR> <BR><BR><BR></P>
<P></P><B>----- Original Message -----</B>
<P></P><B>From</B>: "Crail, Todd" <tcrail-in-UTNet.UToledo.Edu>
<P></P><B>Date</B>: Sunday, April 3, 2005 5:26 pm
<P></P><B>Subject</B>: RE: NANFA-L-- Niagara River gobies?
<P></P>> ________________________________ <BR>> <BR>> From: on behalf of <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> >>Think it would be legal to transport them in NY, PA and VA? <BR>> <BR>> I don't know, you should look that up for yourself. You have as <BR>> much access to the DNR websites as I do. A fine place to start is <BR>> found-in- ;) <BR>> <BR>> Todd <BR>> The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH <BR>> It's never too late to have a happy childhood. <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> </BODY>
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