Also, if I remember, using the terms F1, F2, etc. is
really most useful when you are trying to determine
the genetic makeup of a particular line, to see if it
has recessive genes in it, etc. But, then again,
maybe it's just that that's all we used the terms for
in school.
> Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 09:46:44 -0800
> From: Mysteryman <>
> Subject: NANFA-L-- Stupid question
> I hate to have to ask this, but when F-1's are
> crossed with new F-O's,
> are the resulting progeny F-1's or F-1.5's or F-2's
> ?
> I'm supposed to know this one, but I can't seem to
> remember much of
> anything these days.
> My F-1 Flagfin Shiners, all females, are now all fat
> with roe. I caught
> some new F-0's for a guy who wants some, ( I can
> send them, now ) and
> now I have some males. I was just wondering what I
> would call any
> resulting fry if I were to cross a new male to my
> own females.
> /
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