Conservation minded people have long said that pets are a long term
commitment, not to be taken lightly. They should not be dumped off-in-a
stream when we are tired of them.
In Ohio it is against the law to release animals.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Unmack" <peter.lists at>
To: "nanfa-l" <>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- was goby bashing, changed to Dave bashing
> G'day Folks
> Todd, I think you are being slightly unfair to Dave. His answer may have
> had a potentially condescending tone-in-times (I'm sure mostly due to his
> frustration), but he was speaking from his heart and his answer made sense
> to me, even if it was a rather extreme example that he used relative to
> disposing of unwanted fish. While your relatives might know what to do
> with your fish if you suddenly disappeared, most folks wouldn't, thus I
> don't think it is valid to criticise him for assuming this. Hell, most
> younger people don't even have a will. Look-in-the recent craziness
> surrounding Terri Schiavo (who was still young), how many people would
> have even told someone else (let alone written details) about what to do
> should they be incapacitated in some way. Obviously those issues are far
> more important than fish, yet most people have never seriously planned for
> those events either! Thus, I don't this answer was that completely off
> the wall, especially given the impact this species could have if it
> spreads significantly. There are many great fishes out there, and there
> are many gobies that probably make much better aquarium pets (try some
> desert gobies, I highly recommend them, they are incredibly interesting).
> While I can understand why, despite all this, that someone might want to
> still keep those gobies, I still think NANFA as an organisation should
> discourage it. But if someone really wants to keep them, be responsible,
> and make sure folks know not to release your fish (as was suggested by
> other posters on this topic). Let's just all take a deep breath, close
> this subject, and move on to pursue more pleasant fruitful discussions.
> Tootles
> Peter Unmack
> Canadian River, Oklahoma
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