I forwarded an earlier post about fish shipping to the rainbowfish mailing
list. Here is one relevant answer that came back that I thought I'd
forward along.
Peter Unmmack
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 21:05:01 -0400
From: Christopher Benes <cpbenes-in-comcast.net>
Reply-To: r_m_l-in-yahoogroups.com
To: r_m_l-in-yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [RML] NANFA-L-- new US postal regulations (fwd)
In my experience I would never ship anything alive UPS. UPS does not have
climate controlled warehouses and will not or cannot guarantee your package
won't be exposed to temperature extremes. Examples:
I manage a pet store, we used to get crickets via UPS. Not in the winter
though! They would come frozen solid. Switch to USPS for the winter, no
Once I sent my father a pound of blackworms via UPS. From my house to my
dad's regular ground is actually next day. It was summer, so I put the
worms in a styro in a cardboard with 2 big gell type icepacks,-in-least 5#
total weight in icepacks. The worms got to his house almost exactly 24
hours later, the icepacks were totally thawed, and he estimated the worms
were about 100 degrees. You can imagine what that smelled like! Stuipd UPS
wouldn't even refund the shipping.
So, that's my experience and my opinion. Don't ship perishable via UPS,
except perhaps if the climate is perfect. USPS has always worked well for
me, and they keep thier stuff insided all the time.
For what it's worth,
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