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The Michigan Chapter Leo Long, Philip Kukulski and myself, took part =
yesterday in the Clinton River Watersheds councils (CRWC) River =
Stewardship Volunteer Rally. This is a group partnered with the =
Michigan DNR to gather enough data to confirm that the Clinton River =
meet our cold water river designation (hottest month average below 68=B0 =
F and hottest day below a 75=B0 F). This allows stocking and normal =
reproduction of Trout. The Clinton River has over 1.6 million people =
living in its watershed making it the heaviest populated river in the =
state. No one has built in the flood plain so when you are on the river =
you feel you have left the city. It should be Brook Trout but in this =
state it is Brown Trout the brookies will not make it in this river. In =
the hottest month of summer one half of the rivers flow is treated water =
and only 20 years ago this was one of the most polluted rivers in the =
state. The group working on this river includes four Trout Unlimited =
chapters, Michigan fly fisherman, and several homeowner assoc. The =
Communities the river flows through the county and the counties land =
conservancy. On rainy days the runoff of water from streets can raise =
the temperature of this river over 13=B0 F in an hour. The Michigan =
Chapter is evolved in fish sampling to add to their data and yesterday =
we put on a demonstration and discussion on non-game fish. It is =
amazing but we had one of the highest reviews for our session. Several =
fishing groups ask us to come to their meeting to give native fish =
presentations. This is a great way to get info on minnows, darters etc. =
to these people. They have hundreds working on this project, which will =
protect all those non-natives too. Next Saturday we will be sampling in =
one of the Clinton's warm branches Coon creek. CRWC will be having one =
of their "river walks" as they come by we will have an aquarium set up =
and talk about the fish we have caught. There are redfin shiners in =
Coon creek, which I have never seen so hopefully a few will come home =
with me. Several of the trout fishermen have ask to come on our =
sampling trips. The DNR fishery person present was also interested in =
me giving a talk to them on minnow, dater killifish captive propagation.
Bob Muller
Red Run (the ghost river of Royal Oak)
A tributary of the Clinton River
Great Lakes watershed
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The Michigan Chapter Leo Long, Philip Kukulski and = myself,=20 took part yesterday in the Clinton River Watersheds councils (CRWC) = River=20 Stewardship Volunteer Rally. = This=20 is a group partnered with the Michigan DNR to gather enough data to = confirm that=20 the Clinton River meet our cold water river designation (hottest month = average=20 below 68=B0 F=20 and hottest day below a 75=B0=20 F). This allows stocking = and normal=20 reproduction of Trout. = The Clinton=20 River has over 1.6 million people living in its watershed making it the = heaviest=20 populated river in the state. = No=20 one has built in the flood plain so when you are on the river you feel = you have=20 left the city. It should = be Brook=20 Trout but in this state it is Brown Trout the brookies will not make it = in this=20 river. In the hottest = month of=20 summer one half of the rivers flow is treated water and only 20 years = ago this=20 was one of the most polluted rivers in the state. The group working on this = river includes=20 four Trout Unlimited chapters, Michigan fly fisherman, and several = homeowner=20 assoc. The Communities the river flows through the county and the = counties land=20 conservancy. On rainy = days the=20 runoff of water from streets can raise the temperature of this river = over=20 13=B0 F=20 in an hour. The Michigan = Chapter is=20 evolved in fish sampling to add to their data and yesterday we put on a=20 demonstration and discussion on non-game fish. It is amazing but we had one = of the=20 highest reviews for our session. Several fishing groups ask us to come = to their=20 meeting to give native fish presentations. =20 This is a great way to get info on minnows, darters etc. to these = people. They have = hundreds working=20 on this project, which will protect all those non-natives too. Next Saturday we will be = sampling in one=20 of the Clinton’s warm branches Coon creek. =20 CRWC will be having one of their “river walks” as = they come by we will=20 have an aquarium set up and talk about the fish we have caught. There are redfin shiners in = Coon creek,=20 which I have never seen so hopefully a few will come home with me. Several of the trout fishermen = have ask=20 to come on our sampling trips. = The=20 DNR fishery person present was also interested in me giving a talk to = them on=20 minnow, dater killifish captive propagation.
Bob Muller
Red Run (the ghost river of Royal Oak)
A tributary of the Clinton River
Great Lakes watershed