Right. "Stringy kind of stuff"??? That narrows it
I'm trying to remember what I sent you. I think you
got Eleocharis acicularis, E. vivipara, and a
Utriularia, probably U. cornuta.
What characteristics does it have?
E. acicularis - dwarf hairgrass. Rooted, very fine,
grass-like, forms a mat on the substrate.
E. vivipara - like E. acicularis, but forms new
plantlets from the tip of each stem, thereby making a
big tangled mass. The mass can grow everywhere...
floating, in other plants, or up from bits you
U. cornuta - extremely fine, floating foliage, forms a
tangle. Has tiny carnivorous bladders. Will weave in
and out of the plants in the tank. (It sounds like
this may be the one you are talking about).
I get little copopods and things, too, and the
population increases when the plants are overgrown,
and also when water flow is low. I do enjoy it.
I will admit the one (sort of) downside of the soil
tank is that I can get lots of detritus, mainly
because the plants grow a lot. Snails or ghost shrimp
would really keep it down except in one tank, where
the longear sunnies eat them...
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