hey gee off.
glad your settled in.
do you think you will be able to get out to arkansas?
the fish we put in the pond... im happy to say the srbd survived the winter.
i snorkeled w/ them a couple weekends ago and they are looking healthy a
good school of maybe 24 individuals. i hope to see some coloring soon. the flier
is curious and is always nearby. the yellow fins are displaying in the
waterfalls outflow as well as other shiner species. getting the gar up to bob's
really has changed the pool. i dont see the constant disappearance as before.
i have not seen the madtoms and dont suspect i will unless i do a night
snorkel. i dont think the flag fish survived the winter yet the ones i kept
indoors are displaying and nest site establishing. 2 finely patterened flagish
males and 2 blotchy females. i also add a small one to a small 1 gallon planted
display bottle and it along w/ some least killies are doing well. flag fish
seem to make good micro tank inhabitants.
what else... the little redhorse sucker is active in the cement ponds "view
what else? ive got a few mystery shiners that are coloring up in the pond
but dont know if you gave them to me or they were odd balls i brought back from
my arkansas trek a couple years ago.
i bought a uw digital camera so hope to get some good shots this year. i
will send you them.
glad your back on the list and settled into a new adventure near dc.
i hope to see you in early june!
hey gee off.
glad your settled in.
do you think you will be able to get out to arkansas?
the fish we put in the pond... im happy to say the srbd survived the=20
winter. i snorkeled w/ them a couple weekends ago and they are looking healt=
hy a=20
good school of maybe 24 individuals. i hope to see some coloring soon. the f=
is curious and is always nearby. the yellow fins are displaying in the=20
waterfalls outflow as well as other shiner species. getting the gar up to bo=
really has changed the pool. i dont see the constant disappearance as=20
i have not seen the madtoms and dont suspect i will unless i do a night=
snorkel. i dont think the flag fish survived the winter yet the ones i kept=20
indoors are displaying and nest site establishing. 2 finely patterened flagi=
males and 2 blotchy females. i also add a small one to a small 1 gallon=
planted display bottle and it along w/ some least killies are doing well. fl=
fish seem to make good micro tank inhabitants.
what else... the little redhorse sucker is active in the cement ponds "=
what else? ive got a few mystery shiners that are coloring up in the po=
but dont know if you gave them to me or they were odd balls i brought back f=
my arkansas trek a couple years ago.
i bought a uw digital camera so hope to get some good shots this year.=20=
will send you them.
glad your back on the list and settled into a new adventure near dc.
i hope to see you in early june!
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