I think I'm going to go with a "summer in the sun" for the granite and put
the limestone into active retirement as a garden border.
Not necessarily "THE" whilrling disease, nor have I done a tissue sample,
but my guess is that it's some type of microsporidian that either cross
contaminated from my exotic fish trade pets, or came in on a native and
somehow, amazingly stayed in the one aquarium. I've watched fish after fish
go from looking just fine to down by 2 days of whirling. They either look
fine, or die thataway. And it's one-in-a time. Got a pumpkinseed going
down now.
If it came from my exotics, I've been Mr. Clean as far as preventing any
cross contamination between the two since a year ago when this started
(separate cleaning tools, food dishes, etc). If it came in from local
fish... Again, I need to watch how I cross contaminate systems, which isn't
a bad thing to do anyway.
Thanks again,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Unmack" <peter.lists at>
To: "nanfa-l" <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Whirling Disease
> On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Todd D. Crail wrote:
> > Does anyone know what the procedure is for the mop up? 6% bleach
> I would track down folks who work on whirling disease and ask them as I'm
> sure this is an issue hatcheries have had to deal with. Also, check
> around-in-school for an autoclave, every biology department probably has
> one. That is your best best for cleaning stuff. I don't know about how
> it would work with rocks, gravel or driftwood, but I'm sure you could do a
> test or check into it. One thing you have to be careful of is that rocks
> that have been soaked in water for a long time can explode. Besides heat,
> it might be difficult to really steralize them.
> The other question is, are you really sure that you have whirling disease?
> Have you had a vetinary specialists that works on fishes diagnose it for
> you? Some of this stuff can be very difficult to diagnose.
> Another question is, how did you get it? How will you be able to avoid
> getting it in the future?
> Cheers
> peter
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