Dustin Smith
Lexington, SC
At the convergence of the Broad, Saluda and Congaree
----Original Message Follows----
From: "mike whitfield" <mdwfield-in-comcast.net>
Reply-To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Help with fish ID, please
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 00:00:49 -0400
Looks like a torrent sucker to me. I can't tell too much about the mouth.
If it is a semi-circle (viewed from below), then it's a hogsucker, probably
Roanoke. Also, hogsuckers have a very distinctive head when viewed from
front - very wide for the fish's size. On the other hand, if its mouth is a
shallow arc, then it's probably a torrent sucker, which are (I think) native
to the general area.
Mike Whitfield
"My plans for world domination have encountered a momentary setback. Talk
amongst yourselves." -Bucky D. Katt
"Little children who could neither walk nor talk were running about in the
streets cursing their maker." - Sir Boyle Roche
----- Original Message -----
From: "lstaunt" <kodyboyd-in-earthlink.net>
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 8:23 PM
Subject: NANFA-L-- Help with fish ID, please
> I'm new to observing native fish and also new to this email list, so
> bear with me...
> I'm having trouble identifying a fish I came across this weekend and am
> hoping someone here can help me.
> The fish is about 2" long, and I found it in the Robinson River in the
> area of Madison County, Virginia. I'm not sure whether this factoid
> but the stream is one stocked with trout by the state that same weekend.
> It was located in slow-moving, shallow (4-6" give or take), rocky water
> along with darters, sculpins, lampreys, and crayfish. I saw two more in a
> deeper pool (2-3') next to the shallow water. They appeared to be the
> size.
> The fish has what I believe is a sucker sort of a mouth with a fat lower
> that is shaped sort of like a W. I scooped him out of the water with a
> little net and placed him in a critter keeper with some rocks from the
> stream and got a couple photos of him. The picture of his mouth isn't the
> greatest, but hopefully it shows the W shape I mentioned above. He also
> appears to have little flaps of skin in front of his eyes that I didn't
> notice until I was posting the photos a few minutes ago. If I'd realized
> they were there, I would have tried to get better photos of them before I
> put him back.
> The whole fish from the side:
> <http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/LouInVA/Fish/_DSCN4283.jpg>
> The mouth and the possible eye flap (which I believe I can also see in
> photos on both sides of his head)
> <http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/LouInVA/Fish/DSCN4276.jpg>
> The fish from above:
> <http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/LouInVA/Fish/DSCN4331.jpg>
> I tried using the species list for Madison County from the VAFWIS site
> the VA Tech Virtual Aquarium site as well as a couple other internet
> resources and have failed miserably to come up with an ID that I'm
> comfortable matches. I also tried using google images to look up the
> suckers and jumprocks and such reported in VA (as I thought they seemed
> most likely suspects). Also looked-in-lots of native fish pictures on
> websites, including links from this email list. Being a newbie-in-this,
> though, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious and am hoping the members
> this list will recognize him immediately or-in-least be able to point me
> the right direction to ID him.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer.
> Lou
> Madison, VA
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