Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote: Congratulations for the find. I assume that this isn't an especially
long-lived species, if it only gets to be 'bout 3 cm long?
--Bruce Stallsmith
along the still mussel-rich Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: Jeremy Tiemann
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Mussel Posting - New Rayed Bean Pop.
>Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:34:07 -0500
>Sweet! I have yet to collect that species alive... just shell. Villosa
>fabalis might be extripated in IL; only two live individuals from one site
>have been collected since the 1950s. Host work needs to be done with this
>species; I believe OSU has only the Tippecanoe darter has the host.
>>Well, I am going to try out posting some mussel stuff because I am pretty
>>excited about this tidbit of information. Ohioans and anyone interested
>>in freshwater mussel conservation will be pretty excited about this I
>> Yesterday, while surveying out in Swan Creek, Lucas County OH, I came
>>across a new live population of rayed beans. For those who do not know,
>>the rayed bean is endangered throughout much of its range and is currently
>>a federal candidate. To my knowledge, this is the first time the rayed
>>bean has been found alive in Swan Creek. And, in addition, I found A LOT
>>of fresh dead and weathered beans. I am hoping that this population may
>>be more than a few isolated individuals, but it will require a lot more
>>work to determine that. The bean is about an inch long and takes a lot of
>>patience and attention to detail to survey accurately.
>> A professor had tipped me off this past year that beans might still
>>exist in Swan Creek as he had found some fresh dead shells-in-a site in
>>the late 1980s. Yesterday was only my 2nd survey and I covered only 200
>>feet in 2 hours. So who knows what the future holds, hopefully a lot of
>> Jeff
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