His contact info is below...
Bruce Koike
Director, Aquarium Science Program
Oregon Coast Community College
332 SW Coast Highway
Newport, OR 97365
(541) 574-7130
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
"Who hears the fishes when they cry?"
Henry Thoreau--1817-1862
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From: owner-nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
><)> [owner-nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org]On Behalf
><)> Of Bausch, Kenneth
><)> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:58 PM
><)> To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
><)> Cc: Wilson, Susan SPN
><)> Subject: NANFA-L-- Aquarium Help
><)> In the past, I received excellent ideas from this
><)> discussion group on
><)> repairing leaking aquarium bottoms. Soon, I hope
><)> to be able to put structure,
><)> water & fish back in. The problem these tanks have
><)> suffered through is that
><)> due to their size and use of native fish, their
><)> operation exceeds the
><)> knowledge available from the staff. I quickly
><)> recognized large aquarium
><)> operation is a profession not a hobby. Does anyone
><)> know of persons in the
><)> area of Lake Sonoma, California (approx 80 miles
><)> north of San Francisco), who
><)> might be able to volunteer help? The ideal would
><)> be students looking towards
><)> a future in public aquariums & needing to gain
><)> experience. As my knowledge of
><)> aquariums is limited, I am open to ideas and to
><)> changes. I appreciate the
><)> help and knowledge I have already received from NANFA.
><)> Sincerely,
><)> Kenneth Bausch
><)> Park Ranger-Acting Visitor Center Manager
><)> Lake Sonoma
><)> Geyserville, CA 95441
><)> (707) 433-9483 x28
><)> (707) 431-1031 Fax
><)> kenneth.a.bausch-in-spd02.usace.army.mil
><)> /--------------------------------------------------
><)> ---------------------
><)> / This is the discussion list of the North
><)> American Native Fishes
><)> / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list
><)> do not necessarily
><)> / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more
><)> information about NANFA,
><)> / visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all
><)> posts to nanfa-l are
><)> / consistent with the guidelines as per
><)> / http://www.nanfa.org/guidelines.shtml To
><)> subscribe, unsubscribe, or get
><)> / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at
><)> / http://www.nanfa.org/email.shtml
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA,
/ visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are
/ consistent with the guidelines as per
/ http://www.nanfa.org/guidelines.shtml To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get
/ help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at
/ http://www.nanfa.org/email.shtml