NANFA-L-- Jeff & Ryan's visit to the cement pond.
Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:11:40 EDT
it was a real treat to have todd and ryan by last week. ( i cant believe
yall are already home! how did the rest of the trip go? turtles, rainbow river,
black water. )
hyper cool to see a snail darter plucked a couple hundred crow flying yards
from the cement pond and res.
the girls and i jumped in easter sunday and i was much impressed. our first
dousing of the season... record temps have made the water a comfortable 68
degrees. all the fish look primo after wintering. eager for feedings. rainbows
glowing, stonies horny headed, pearlescent striped shiners, dorsal flagged
bama and tricolors, bright blue eyebrowed studs. lots of spawning behavior by
everyone. of special note i was able to get the last of the major predators out
during the last couple days. an 18" channel cat, a wide mouthed warmouth and
a bullhead cat... them things can bite! the only predators left are
minors... but potentially fry destructive and very productive... hoards of long ear
sunnies w/ a bit of redbreast thrown in. ive been tricking them by jerking up
a baited net. caught almost 20 in one yank last week. they are getting
smarter tho. the big longears lay off in the distance. smart.
others of note...
golden, blacktail, whitetail, rosefin ( awesome! ), rainbow ( oh my! ) &
spotfin shiners, snub nose, blackbanded & greenside darters, river & big eye
chubs, hogsuckers, black s & golden topminnows, eastern starheads ( prolific ),
a couple pumpkinseed sunnies, redhorse suckers. a few minnow oddities i can't
cipher collected from wandering trips that outgrew aquaria.
hopefully the recently warpaints will acclimate. we caught them in a quiet
pool but in most encounters while snorkeling the premium warpaints are in the
rapid current feeding. neat fish.
maybe when i host the seinerama2 trip we can offer a snorkel id class in the
cement pond. a point based contest could offer a catfish dinner as first
sure was fun to have todd and ryan stay and visit. ranger bob and betsy
spent a few days with us a couple weeks ago and we toured the expanded tn
aquarium, ate catfish along the tn river, watched the occultation of the 7 sisters,
hunted morels and seined spring creek. before that dave neely and anna
visited. all a nice kickoff for a new season. a good season it promises to be...
seierama2-in-the pot point house on the tn river july 6, 7, 8 and 9. limited
to 10 eager fishheads. get your reservation in. looks like the sculpkabob
king will have his chef hat on.
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