Mike Haren
TomsRiver, NJ
On Apr 21, 2006,-in-2:35 PM, Jase Roberts wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm getting starter cultures of "greenwater" algae and daphnia within
> the next couple days. I'm trying to figure out what water I should
> use for them and how to treat it (if-in-all). My options for water
> are city tap water (don't know what kind of chlorination) and river
> water (about 20 feet from my door). I use the river water for all my
> tank water changes, but I'm thinking I might not want to use that for
> the new cultures I'm starting because of the risk of introducing
> filamentous algae, cyanobacteria, hydra, and other things I really
> don't want. Same would be true for using old aquarium water from my
> tanks.
> So... should I use aged tap water? I've read that even aged
> chlorinated water can be bad news for daphnia. Boiled river water?
> Is there some other good way to sterilize water? UV treatment?
> Or am I just overthinking this whole thing? I'd really like to be
> able to maintain these cultures as pure as posssible. My various
> attempts-in-setting up greenwater cultures have always been overrun by
> filamentous algae.
> Thanks,
> Jase
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