In the list of expected species for the Barron Fork, a few names are
incorrect. Dionda nubila should be Notropis nubilus, Notropis pilsbryi
should be Luxilus cardinalis, Hybopsis amblops should be Notropis
amblops, Notropis cornutus should be Luxilus chrysocephalus, Notropis
rubellus should be Notropis percobromus, Chaenobryttus gulosus should
be Lepomis gulosus. The bullhead species listed are in the genus
Ameiurus, not Ictalurus. The correct spelling for the scientific name
of the rock bass is Ambloplites rupestris.
The likelihood of a good many of the other species listed being-in-any
given site on the Barron Fork is vanishingly small. Some have never
been collected in that river, including Fundulus sciadicus and Notropis
girardi. The latter is now restricted in Oklahoma so far as is known
to the South Canadian R. in western and central Oklahoma, and the
former is now known in Oklahoma only from oxbows on Spring Creek
(rediscovered after having been thought extirpated for years), a
tributary of the Neosho R. (known as the Grande River in Oklahoma).
Noturus placidus is unknown from the Illinois R. drainage, and has
probably been extirpated from the Oklahoma portion of the Neosho
drainage. Except for Noturus exilis, several of the other madtoms
listed are rare to extremely rare in the Illinois drainage, and I doubt
finding them in the Barron Fork itself except almost by accident. If
any are found there, they should be deposited-in-the University of
Oklahoma Sam Noble Museum of Natural History and a distribution note
published. Though both bigmouth and black buffalo are reported from
the Illinois R. drainage, neither should be expected in the Barron
Fork. Bigmouth might be found if collection is in the portion of the
river base level with Tenkiller Reservoir. Black buffalo may never
have occurred in the state, but-in-any rate are so rare now as to not
be found in the locations where they were originally thought to occur,
and some suggest that they should be state listed. Except for Moxostoma
erythrurum, the redhorses listed are rare in the Barron Fork.
Campostoma oligolepis, not listed, may occur in the Barron Fork.
David L. McNeely, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Langston University; P.O. Box 1500
Langston, OK 73050; email:
telephone: (405) 466-6025; fax: 405) 466-3307
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