Re: NANFA-L-- Collecting
Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:25:21 EDT
ive long wanted to see an olive darter. dave n told me of them in the emory
in the torrents and raging rapids. man i was clinging to rocks in the danger
zone trying to find one... to no avail. worked it pretty good for several
another quest to be!
ive had total disasters bringing fish back, adding them to long established
tanks and the entire tank dying. so disheartening.
i tend now to keep them in their same water, in the same cooler w/ a sponge
filter running for a week, then trickle change the water to mine...but still
can have problems.
i think that is why i just enjoy snorkeling and observing so much now. less
hassle and unabtrusive. even common fish like stripe shiners, blacknose dace
and stonerollers can be difficult.
in the state of plenty
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