> The other day, I e-mailed the Cape Girardeau Vistitors Bureau about
> alternate places to stay and other attractions about the area. A lady by
the name of
> Betty responded the following day and stated they are mailing information
> me. Her signature block is below mine.
> By the way, will there be some Internet access at the convention?
> Chuck Church
> Indianapolis, Indiana USA
> Cape Girardeau Convention & Visitors Bureau
> 100 Broadway
> Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
> 573-335-1631
> 573-334-6702 (Fax)
> 800-777-0068 (Toll Free)
> _visitcape-in-capegirardeaucvb.org_ (visitcape-in-capegirardeaucvb.org)
> _www.visitcape.com_ (http://www.visitcape.com/)
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