"Riparian Setbacks: Technical Information for Decision Makers" was
originally prepared for the Chagrin River Watershed partners in Ohio. This
is an excellent synthesis of information. It fills an unusual niche in
that it is neither intended to be a comprehensive scientific literature
review nor is it intended as a "color glossy" targeted to a lay audience to
convey the virtues of riparian setbacks. Rather it is a review of the
recent scientific literature organized to provide the scientific basis upon
which a township or municipality could begin the task of defending a
riparian setback ordinance from the growing, increasingly sophisticated
legal challenges being mounted by the development community.
The "technical" content is largely in the first 30 pages
Within that overview the document touches on recent literature on wood in
streams, sedimentation effects, shading and temperature effects, some
interesting literature on riparian forest effects on flood damages and bank
stability. Overall the document takes the same approach we used in our
Chesapeake Bay Riparian Handbook to get beyond the search for the "magic
number" - i.e the "right" buffer width- and emphasize the trade-offs among
functions that are all served (to a greater or lesser degree) by width and
emphasizing contiguity of the riparian corridor to preserve and restore
riparian function. It also presents information with a format more aligned
to the now popular context of "ecosystem services".
The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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