Since this is directed to my comments, let me help clarify my
point. First and foremost, for the past 40 years I have donated images to
every educational and non profit agency that has ask. Every image that
has appeared in the AKA . its publications, its color indexes and website
has been donated. The same applies for articles, and photographs that have
been used by well as general fish databases all over the
world. When I donate an image it is with the understanding that the
group can use the image for any and all of its publication and recruitment
efforts. In the past this has included slide sets that were produced and
offered for sale. My work has helped to generate revenue for fish groups
all over the world.
All I have ever asked of Not for profits world wide is that they
ask first so that I could look though my files and see if I had something
more appropriate to their needs, and that I would have an idea of where my
work was being used and for what purpose.
The AKA has a public gallery which everyone can view, The
resolution limits the use of the images.
If one wanted to , one could download the images, edit off
the copyright notification and do what they want with them. The fact
that it is illegal is something that everyone is aware of .
The issue of compensation has never played a role in these
decisions, and Yes, it grates me to see people use my work if they didn't
have the common courtesy of asking. Yes it grates me to see my work
being used to sell products, or imply that my photos represent something
that someone is trying to sell when in fact it isn't. Yes it grates me
to see my name removed from my work and replaced with
another.............................. Guess In just old and grumpy !!!
Tony Terceira
Scituate, Rhode Island
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