Christopher Scharpf wrote:
> I don't understand all the hullaballo over the proposed NANFA photo library.
> The way I understand it, photographers are *donating* their photos with the
> stipulation that the photos be used by NANFA members for non-profit
> educational use only. Neither NANFA, or its volunteers, are working to help
> these photographers sell their work. NANFA is simply acting as a go-between
> between some very generous photographers and some members who can put their
> photos to constructive use.
> If the photos need to be password-protected because that's the way the
> photographers want it, then fine. Any visitor to the Photo Library page can
> see the list of photos. But only NANFA members with the password can
> actually see the photos and download them. When NANFA members want to view
> the photos, they can simply blip me -- or Tom or whomever -- for the
> password, and we give it to them.
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
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