RE: NANFA-L-- captive fish disease and cures?
Becky Kendell (
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 03:42:14 -0700 (PDT)
Irate Mormon <> wrote:
>PS: yes Martin, they are all going to die ... we know.
So, you acknowledge the inevitable...:-)>>
Thanks for being so positive, but I am not easily discouraged. I was once a newbie on my dart frog mailing list 5 years ago. I killed my first frog....I had to change my ways a few times, but now I have over 50 of them and people come to ME for advice. As you probably well know, you'd have to be pretty lucky to start out in a new hobby like this with all the correct information....because chances are all the most convenient places to get information are incorrect. But I shall overcome! :-P
Becky :)
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