Nick Zarlinga <> wrote:
Does anyone use Alka-selzer for euthanitization? May not be the most
inexpensive way, however it may be the most convenient....depending on you
gastrointestinal conditions.
I was under the impression that CO2 is a humane way to euthanatize since it
is independent of the amount of O2 available to the specimen, therefore no
perceived lack of oxygen response.
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
3900 Wildlife Way
Cleveland, OH 44109
216-661-6500 ext 4485
>)))): -----Original Message-----
>)))): From:
>)))): [] On Behalf Of Christopher Scharpf
>)))): Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:20 AM
>)))): To:
>)))): Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- cold euthanasia
>)))): > Some kinds of fishes in northern climes are known to
>)))): actually freeze
>)))): > onto the underside of ice in winter -- Alaskan
>)))): blackfish for example,
>)))): > and to be perfectly ok when the thaw arrives in the
>)))): spring. At least
>)))): > textbooks report that as true; I've nat witnessed it.
>)))): Claims of blackfish surviving freezing have been
>)))): exaggerated and not supported by laboratory experiments.
>)))): However, they can survive partial freezing.
>)))): Chris Scharpf
>)))): far from Alaska
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