Subject: NANFA-L-- darter composition and numbers per aquarium
From: Lori Austin (
Date: Sat Dec 04 2004 - 20:25:58 CST
I have read through most of the darter articles and have gained some vague sense on how many darters can be kept together in my 40 gallon. In reference to author indicated that he could keep 5 adults...but, this author was interested in spawning them. The other article indicated that if kept somewhat crowded (like African Cichlids) would keep one fish from dominating the system.
I have three fantails in the tank now...although they have only been in the tank 3 days they are pounding down earthworms and frozen blood worms...they show no fear of the feed tube and pounce after it in anticipation. Two are very large adult males and the other is a youngin maybe 2 years.
I have another adult male, a smaller female, and two small rainbow darters acclimating in a bucket overnight. Is seven darters too many??? Will the different age classes be a problem. The big fantails chases the little one..but only on occasion.
Also, do striped shiners do Okay?? I have seen no discussions on them. Or will they chase and nip everything that can't outswim them?
I have set the tank up like a typical headwater stream cross section in southern Ohio...complete with broken beer bottle. Does the following community or biotype have any flaws.....
3 striped shiners
5 or 6 redside dace
5 fantails
2 rainbow darters.
PS - It is Lori's (wife) computer, I get to use it sometimes.
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:41:46 CST