Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Pennsylvania fishes
From: Bob Bock (
Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - 15:58:15 CST
Around here, there pretty much limited to freshwater tidal areas, with one or two exceptions here and there.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Stallsmith <>
Sent: Dec 29, 2004 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Pennsylvania fishes
I would think that banded killies, Fundulus diaphanus, are native to the
areas Rob found them.
--Bruce Stallsmith
No diaphanus along the Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: Bob Bock <>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Pennsylvania fishes
>Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 13:59:39 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
>Do you think that banded killies are indigenous or introduced?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rob Criswell <>
>Sent: Dec 29, 2004 11:26 AM
>Subject: RE: NANFA-L-- Pennsylvania fishes
>I sampled Tohickon above Lake Nockamixon in 1998. Here's the list for
>Erie Avenue crossing in Quakertown:
>American eel
>spottail shiner
>blacknose dace
>golden shiner
>white sucker
>creek chubsucker
>banded killifish
>yellow bullhead
>brown bullhead
>redbreast sunfish
>largemouth bass
>tesselated darter
>Bridge on Covered Bridge Road - this station included a wide, ponded
>(natural) area with large boulders:
>Americal eel
>golden shiner
>comely shiner
>white sucker
>yellow bullhead
>redbreast sunfish
>green sunfish
>tesselated darter
>Both sites are historic locations for bridle shiners, which is why they
>Rob Criswell
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: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 12:42:08 CST