I have been keeping two eels that were collected in my 40 now 90 gal
tank. Both are young and one is much smaller than the other but they
work great as tank cleaners and tend to actually live in the gravel and
come out when the light dims.
They are extremely healthy and do well with the darters, mudminnows and
pirate perch as well as the two crayfish who have made claim to
driftwood in my tank .
These guys eat anything but go nuts when I chop up earth worms. They
will even come out in the day for that scent. I love having them and
are a joy to watch in between when the primary 10k light goes off and
the actin is on for the hour before it kicks off and only the LED's are
on. They come out and start to prob the tank smelling for something
Mike H.
Toms River, NJ
On Dec 6, 2005,-in-10:35 PM, geoffrey kimber wrote:
> I was out shopping today and much to my surprise, the sporting goods
> store I was in had live bait. I was further surprised to see that
> they had live 6-8" eels. I'm assuming they are bait for striped bass.
> Anyway, the eels looked pretty healthy and I immediately thought about
> buying one and putting it in a tank.
> Does anyone have any experience with keeping eels? I know they spawn
> in salt water, but can they live in fresh water indefinitely?
> I know that hey are escape artists, so I plan to cover the tank with a
> reptile screen cover that I use to keep snakes in their tanks. Should
> do the job
> Any other thoughts?
> geoff kimber
> fredericksburg,va
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