MMM, no that sounds like a more of a nightmare. Right now they are only
about 2 inches long but it sounds like they need to be moved in with my
Lepomis. I find it hard to think they would be in any threat.
I would hate to have to pass them off to a surf fisherman as bait. They
are fun to watch and-in-this point have been great with the others,
however the threat is too much to ponder.
Mike, thanks for the imput,
Mike Haren Toms River, NJ
On Dec 7, 2005,-in-1:38 PM, wrote:
> In a message dated 12/6/2005 10:58:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> I have been keeping two eels that were collected in my 40 now 90 gal
> tank. Both are young and one is much smaller than the other but they
> work great as tank cleaners and tend to actually live in the gravel
> and
> come out when the light dims.
> They are extremely healthy and do well with the darters, mudminnows
> and
> pirate perch as well as the two crayfish who have made claim to
> driftwood in my tank .
> I have extensive experience with eels, they are cute when small but
> will
> either jump out and be found days or weeks later as little dried
> corpses (best
> thing that could happen) or they will grow and eat every fish you
> have. I put
> one in a fifteen gallon aquarium, very tiny, less than 3" long. It
> disappeared
> and I figured it had crawled out and dried up. about 18 months later
> I tore
> down the aquarium because I couldn't keep any fish other than
> plecstomus
> catfish in the tank. Everything else disappeared with in days of
> being put in the
> tank. Imagine my surprise when a two foot eel was found under the UG
> filter
> plate. A fat and very predatory eel. They will eat all your fish and
> they are
> not tank cleaners by any means. I am sorry to be so blunt but eels
> are eels
> and expecting them to live with together fish is like expecting redfin
> pickerels to live with gambusia
> Michael Hissom (AKA Moon)
> Lower Cape Fear River, Waccamaw Lake and river system, and coastal
> salt
> water and brackish water estuaries in the same location. (South
> Eastern North
> Carolina)
> I have access to the only natural Ocean Shore Rock out cropping in
> Coastal NC
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