Eventually. Or-in-least all the data will be available on the NANFA website
in a form that allows it to be updated. I want to see what the response is
first. And to catch mistakes and oversights. Here's my list of addenda and
errata so far:
page 4
Ichthyomyzon castaneus and I. fossor STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author
page 6
Acipenser brevirostrum STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author oversight)
page 7
Acipenser medirostris and A. transmontanus STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author
Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus STATUS: add DE to the endangered (E) list
(author oversight)
Page 13
Cyprinella lutrensis lutrensis ETYMOLOGY: type locality is in OK, not AR as
stated by Jordan and Evermann (1898-1900)
page 29
Notropis dorsalis dorsalis STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author oversight)
page 31
Notropis photogenis STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author oversight)
page 35
Phoxinus tennesseensis DISTRIBUTION: delete NC and SC (author error)
page 40
Rhinichthys umatilla STATUS: add "PSC, Can." (author oversight)
I hope there aren't many more. :-)
Chris Scharpf
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