-- end ____^___ ><,DARWIN,> Joshua L. Wiegert AIM UID: JoshuaWiegert Yahoo: JLW_DUNE_NET Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason. Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----- Original Message ----- From: "mike whitfield" <mdwfield-in-comcast.net> To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org> Sent: Monday, December 26, 2005 1:49 AM Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Re: Colorblindness (was: central mudminnow gravel consumption)
> I've wondered about this. Pikeville, TN has (or had) its traffic signals > hung sideways. If the signal is either red or green and you're not > familiar > with the town, red/green colorblindness leaves you totally unable to tell > red from green. > > I had a largemouth bass that often scopped up enough gravel when eating > minnows to sink him like a rock. Gradually he would regurgitate gravel, > never a minnow, until he regained his ability to suspend. Never seemed to > hurt or frighten him. > > Mike Whitfield > > "My plans for world domination have encountered a momentary setback. Talk > amongst yourselves." -Bucky D. Katt > > "Little children who could neither walk nor talk were running about in the > streets cursing their maker." - Sir Boyle Roche > >> It is a real problem for about 1 in 8 males. Red/green colorblindness >> does not mean the total inability to differentiate red and green. It is >> the result of having the red cones and green cones peak sensitivities >> closer together on the spectrum than normal. The result is that red and >> green are perceived as similar colors much the same way that "regular" >> people might disagree on whether something is light purple or blue. > /----------------------------------------------------------------------- > / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes > / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily > / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA, > / visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are > / consistent with the guidelines as per > / http://www.nanfa.org/guidelines.shtml To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get > / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at > / http://www.nanfa.org/email.shtml /----------------------------------------------------------------------- / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes / Association (NANFA). Comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of NANFA. For more information about NANFA, / visit http://www.nanfa.org Please make sure all posts to nanfa-l are / consistent with the guidelines as per / http://www.nanfa.org/guidelines.shtml To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get / help, visit the NANFA email list home page and archive at / http://www.nanfa.org/email.shtml