At 03:18 PM 12/27/05, you wrote:
>So I am back home in the Northeastern Ohio area for the hoildays and
>sprucing up some of the small fish tanks in my parents house that my
>younger sisters woefully neglect. I headed up to the nearest pet store in
>town for a few of the basics, which took me unfortunately to a Pet
>Supplies Plus. After about 10 minutes of waiting to get someone to get me
>feeder fish and some Elodea I am scoping out the tank of Ghost Shrimps
>wondering if the Pumpkinseed might like a few of those. I look a little
>more in depth-in-the tank because there are a few stray fish in it and
>what do I find, but 2 or 3 are what I am pretty sure to be Swamp Darters
>on first glance. It blew me away and I was giddy about it. There were
>also two small possibly female killies which as a family I'm not to
>familiar with ID'ing on the fly. I know they werent catenatus or notatus
>or olivacius. So I asked if I could 'buy' those 'feeder' fish that came
>in with the Ghost Shrimp and the guy was quite baffled. He !
> tried
> looking for a price in their inventory book and I was trying to lightly
> explain that he wasn't going to find a price for them because they are
> natives and probably came in with the shimpment. It was hilarious to see
> him try and net these two killies with about a 2" net, which he
> ultimatley couldnt do. But I came home with two of the darters for TWENTY
> CENTS! MERRY CHRISTMAS to me! Now I just need to figure out if I am
> going to attempt and how to attempt to bring these fish back on the plane
> to Tennessee in a week.
> Matt
> Currently Lakewood Ohio - Rocky River Drainage
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