(I didn't get to see your web photo, because I've had trouble accessing Yahoo groups in the past. Do you have any melanistic male gambusia?)
-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Haren <mh4mac-in-comcast.net>
>Sent: Dec 28, 2005 1:35 PM
>To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Poecilia photos
>I have some Gambusia I should be able to photograph for you. I have a
>nice digital with close up lenses so just let me know when you need
>them. I have some photo's of my fish if you want to see how they come
>out. There is none of my Gambusia though, they are hard to keep still.
>You need to be a yahoo member of yahoo group Nativefishconservancy to
>view them but if you are you can view them here:
>Mike Haren NJ
>On Dec 27, 2005,-in-4:09 PM, Bob Bock wrote:
>> Hi all. I'm working on another livebearer article. Does anyone have
>> any photos of any gambusia species, heteradria formosa, and Poecilia
>> latipinna?
>> I don't need the photos just yet, but would appreciate if hearing if
>> you have any available.
>> Thanks.
>> Bob
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