Why not use an external flash off the camera and set the white
balance to daylight, the flash is already calibrated for the temperature
and it will stop anything so movement is not an issue................
At 06:11 PM 2/13/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi gang,
>Well I've been trying to make getting photos easier. Laying in the mud,
>getting chewed by mosquitos and flies just kinda sucks. The problem has been
>lighting, although I've found my way around pretty well in the tanks... Just I
>reaaaaally hate shooting through thick glass. I think I've found a surrogate
>that you might be interested in.
>I've been playing with the GE and Phillips full spectrum light bulbs. GE is
>Reveal, I can't remember what the Phillips is. Anyway, they're working great
>for lights on some 10 gallons I've set up-in-school. Plants grow well, fish
>look fairly natural under the light. A wee bit yellow, but for $13 a fixture
>(one of those bell clamp fixtures-$7 and 50 watt bulb-$6 or a little more for
>a 65 watt) you can't beat the price. And! You get glitter lines like halide
>So anyway, I was like "Hey! Why don't a put one of these over a 2.5 gallon
>I'll use to take pictures. With the linear flow in my tank, it's really easy
>to catch the fish. Why not. So I gave it a shot.
>Here's what I messed around with today:
>I did have to autocorrect the fish in Photoshop to get the yellow under
>control. I'm interested to see what happens when it's not light out. I think
>it will work better in the dark where the source light is the only light.
>Then the camera will go "hey, that's yellow, I'll correct that" like it did
>with the caddisflies. These durn things... so smart.
>Oh, and they make good enrichment tools for shut-in kitties! :)
>2.5 gallon tank... $8
>Light and Fixture... $13
>Digital Camera... $400
>Getting pictures of breeding condition fish-in-your desk.... Priceless.
>The Muddy Maumee Madness, Toledo, OH
>Be the change you want to see.
>http://www.farmertodd.com <http://www.farmertodd.com>
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Tony Terceira
Scituate, Rhode Island
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